This module will familiarise you with recent trends in language teaching methodology and their historical antecedents. You will develop an understanding of the main factors which influence language learning, and the implications of these factors for teaching and learning. You will carry out small-scale investigations into classroom practices and write language awareness materials for your own learners. Overall, you will develop a clear, practical view of language for teaching purposes and reflect constructively on your own practice.

This module carries 60 credits

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" It's been a wonderful experience during the past three weeks. The course tutors, registrar and other staff at NILE, everyone has been so helpful and kind. I would love to come back for more courses in the future. "


Is this course for you?

Location: Norwich
Experience: Degree. Language teaching experience
Language Level: B2/C1 or higher
Course dates:
Available online only in 2024
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Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or MA awarded by University of Chichester
Course Length: 3 weeks
Course fees: £2420
Accommodation (3 weeks):
Homestay (half-board): £819
Residential (half-board): £924 
Residential (self-catering): £819
More information
Minimum age: 18
Max class size: 16
Cross-curricular and cultural workshops
Specialist ELT library
Complementary eLearning platform

Course content

Views of Learning
Language learning theories
Motivation and other factors affecting success and failure in language learning
Learning preferences and strategies
Wider issues in learning: social constructivism, scaffolding in learning
Second language acquisition – principles and practical applications
Views of Language
Different pedagogic approaches to language at word, sentence and discourse level.
Analysing texts and discourse
Language awareness and its place in the classroom
Designing language materials
Web-based tools for researching and analysing language
Views of Teaching
An overview of language teaching methods and approaches
Planning and delivering lessons and courses
Self-evaluation and reflecting on practice
Research Methods/ Classroom Investigation
Research tools and their application in language classrooms
Qualitative and quantitative approaches to date gathering and analysis
Research ethics
Basics of academic and professional writing

Assessment will be by three assignments, written after completion of the course and supervised at distance by tutors. The assignments will be on:

  • Views of Learning (40% of total mark)
  • Views of Language (30%)
  • Views of Language Teaching (30%)

Each assignment will involve small-scale investigation of your own practice.

During the course, you will write and receive feedback on an ungraded formative assignment to help you to familiarise yourself with the requirements of writing at postgraduate level

" It's been an excellent course and I can highly recommend NILE to my teachers in Germany. I love the library and the fact we can print documents and refill our water bottles. The staff have always been very friendly and supportive! "


" Excellent trainers on the course. Everybody is very helpful and supportive. "



This course consists of 75 hours of tuition, delivered between 09:00 and 15:30, Monday - Friday. You will also take part in cross-curricular workshops on a variety of topics, and each course includes a free evening and weekend programme of social and cultural activities and trips.

Further Information

Specific course content comes from feedback you and other participants give us through pre-course questionnaires, identifying your needs and priorities.

Time will be built into the course for reflection and for you to consider how to adapt ideas from the course to your classroom in your own professional contexts.

NILE offers various accommodation options, including homestay with carefully selected hosts and residential accommodation at the University of East Anglia. NILE’s dedicated student welfare team can be reached 24 hours a day.

All NILE courses involve a significant element of English language improvement and/or the development of language awareness.

MA Module Leader: Kate Gregson

Kate Gregson NILE Kate has worked with NILE since 2016 as a MAPDLE supervisor and tutor on various training courses for NILE Online, as well as MAPDLE modules and other tailor-made courses. She works freelance from France, where she now lives, and has worked in ELT and teacher development in South America, Asia, the Middle East and Europe for over 25 years, more than half of which have involved roles in pre- and/or in-service training, teacher management and teacher supervision in different contexts.

Kate has a Master’s degree in Teaching English to Young Learners from the University of York, and holds a DELTA and CTEFLA. Her particular area of interest is in curriculum development, and she is often involved in curriculum reform projects and training. She volunteers with the IATEFL YLTSIG as joint publications editor and has published various reviews of methodology titles for the IATEFL YLTSIG and for the ELT Journal and other articles. She also co-wrote a chapter for the Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners.