Consultancy Worldwide

NILE can provide consultancy support for short- and long-term projects across the entire field of language education.
NILE can call on the services of experts in specific areas, both from within its own establishment and from a wider pool of consultants who are regular contributors to NILE’s work.
Curriculum renewal and syllabus design; materials evaluation, design and development; teacher training; trainer development; inspector training and development; CLIL at primary, secondary and university levels; teaching in vocational contexts; testing, evaluation and assessment; ICT in language education; literature in language teaching; intercultural awareness; reader development; Continuing Professional Development; ELT management.
NILE has undertaken extremely successful consultancies for Ministries of Education, regional education bureaux, the British Council, universities and other educational institutions in over 30 countries. Major clients have included ministries of education in 10 regions in Spain, 7 cantons in Switzerland and 16 regions in Italy, as well as the France Éducation International and the British Council in China, Bahrain, Colombia, Nepal and Uzbekistan.
Yes, by the inspectorates of the British Council (Accreditation UK) and Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Language Services), and also by the University of Chichester, which validates NILE’s MA.
NILE’s consultants are all highly experienced teachers, trainers and materials writers. Many of them are course book authors and examiners, have published journal articles and are regular presenters at international conferences.
Consultancies are always designed to be sustainable and contextually appropriate to specific contexts and to serve clients’ actual needs. Designing the most productive consultancy plan involves a thorough process of identifying the real requirements of stakeholders through detailed needs analysis and baseline studies. We can design and deliver sessions or courses for individuals or groups of any size, either in-country or in the UK. We are also able to take a strong partnership role in project management and the delivery of project outcomes. An important part of every consultancy is to monitor how well it is working, so evaluation, of processes as well as products, is built in from the outset.
In its consultancy proposals NILE always seeks to take account of follow-up, whether in the form of distance feedback or further face-to-face presence.