News & Events
NILE Insights: Bilingualism
If you are a teacher of English, a learner of other languages or just a language lover you might have asked yourself this question: what makes someone bilingual?
08 November 2021 | Mike Riley
The Launch of PRELIM 2
Bids are being invited from UK English language schools to help improve the confidence, language and teaching skills of English Teaching Association (ETA) members in 40 nations as The Partnered Remote Learning Improvement Project (PRELIM) is being run for a second time.
8 October 2021 | Thom Kiddle
PRELIM Project Report
The report from PRELIM, the project which established twenty digital partnerships between UK language schools and university language centres on the one hand, and national English teacher associations in Official Development Aid-eligible countries around the world on the other, is now ready to download.
4 October 2021 | Thom Kiddle
Meet us at IATEFL
As usual, this is a big one, but this year it's huge for NILE: we are delighted and immensely proud to have our Director Thom Kiddle delivering the plenary on Sunday morning.
10 June 2021| Hanna K. Furre
NILE MAPDLE Alumni Association
The NILE MAPDLE Alumni Association aims to create a community for all NILE MA alumni to network, keep in touch and learn from each other, regardless of when you started, when you graduated or what you specialise in.
The Erica Dirou Scholarship 2021 - Announcement of Winner
9 June 2021 | Jason Skeet
NILE partners with Ready to Run
We are delighted to announce a partnership with Ready to Run to provide high quality video assets to more ELT teaching professionals for training and professional development.
24 May 2021 | Thom Kiddle
NILE Insights: Video in the Language Classroom
Videos can be a great addition to the classroom but they are not just listening exercises with nice pictures! Visual means of communication are becoming increasingly prevalent as mobile devices give many of us instant access to video-sharing websites and videos on social media. Is it time to re-examine the role of video in the language classroom?
13 May 2021 | Mike Riley
NILE and Kantonsschule Wiedikon innovate for success
For 17 years, students from Kantonsschule Wiedikon in Zurich have enjoyed an intensive 3-week language immersion course in Norwich, with classes and social activities run by NILE. With the coronavirus pandemic imposing more than a temporary postponement on the September 2020 course, NILE Director, Thom Kiddle, and Kantonsschule Wiedikon’s Hania Bociek put their heads together to design a way to take the Norwich experience online to Zurich.
26 April 2021 | Thom Kiddle
The Erica Dirou Scholarship
In memory of our outstanding alumna, Erica Dirou, NILE and University of Chichester are proud to announce a full scholarship on the NILE Masters in Professional Development for Language Education (MAPDLE), validated by University of Chichester, to be awarded each calendar year to an English Language Teacher or Teacher Trainer working in Egypt.
07 April 2021 | Hanna K Furre