This module will raise your awareness of the possibilities and challenges offered by digital technologies both now and over the next five years. The course aims to equip you with the academic, technical and practical skills to use technology to optimum benefit in your classroom.

This module carries 30 credits.


" A very useful course which made me aware of the different kinds of tools and websites which I had never considered using before. Well organised and very interactive. "


Is this course for you?

Location: Online
Experience: Degree. Language teaching experience
Language Level: B2/C1 or higher
Course dates: 22 April - 25 June 2025
Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or MA awarded by University of Chichester
Course Length: 8 weeks (+ 1 week break)
Course fees: £1210
Minimum age: 18
Max class size: 18
Tutor-led and highly interactive
Live and asynchronous eLearning platforms
Specialist ELT eLibrary
Accredited by AQUEDUTO

Course content

The essentials of Web 2.0 and the significance of cloud computing
The possibilities and challenges offered by digital technologies in language education both now and in the foreseeable future
How ICT in ELT is compatible with current learning theories
How to evaluate choices available in the use of ICT in language education
How to use technology in a learning/teaching environment
How to use the internet for such purposes as research, professional development, and administration
How to use the internet for creating learning opportunities for students in collaborative situations, for creative work, for developing learner autonomy

Assessment (written after completion of the course and supervised at distance by tutors):

A portfolio (50%) containing TWO of the following four options:

  1. A website which provides resources for an aspect of ICT in English language teaching and learning.
  2. A webquest.
  3. A lesson or lessons making use of handheld or mobile devices.
  4. A technology-driven international student exchange project.

A main assignment (50%) consisting of a 3,000–word article for a professional journal on the use of technology in a specified learning/ teaching environment.

" It was exactly what I was looking for, or it even surpassed my expectations. "


" I appreciated the back to basics introductions to all of the topics and didn't expect to get quite this much out of an online course. It worked far better online than I had thought it would and the level of interaction and exchange of ideas was fabulous. "


Further Information

Online MA modules are highly interactive and learning takes place through varied and engaging multimedia content and the collaboration between participants from different contexts.

Courses are broken down into individual units and activities, forming a clear structure, and all participants work on the same unit in the same week. Within that time period there is a high level of flexibility to help you fit studying around your life and work. The interaction, via forums and other collaborative tools built into the platform, helps and encourages you to share ideas, ask questions, explore concepts and build up a community.

You need a computer, a headset (with microphone) and an internet connection. Much of the course can be done on a mobile device, but a computer is needed for certain activities and tasks.

All participants have access to NILE’s extensive ELT e-library and an innovative social and cultural programme.

MA Module Leader: Russell Stannard


Russell spent 11 years in Spain as Director of Studies of International House Seville and a teacher trainer for the Spanish government. He had previously worked as an English teacher in Greece for 2 years. 

He holds the CELTA, DELTA and an MSc in Multimedia Computing from the University of Westminster. He worked as a Principal Teaching Fellow in Educational Technology at the University of Westminster before moving to Warwick University. 

In 2007 he founded the website and was awarded the British Council 'Technology' ELTons award, the The Times Higher Education 'Outstanding Technology' award and the University of Westminster 'Excellence in Teaching and Learning' award. 

Russell is now a freelance consultant. His YouTube channel where he creates videos to help language teachers incorporate technology in their teaching and learning has over 80,000 subscribers. His consultancy roles include work with King's College, University of London, the Kwazulu University in South Africa, Brugg University in Switzerland and Stirling University in Scotland. He is a Techsmith Camtasia recommended trainer and a Movavi educational ambassador. 

Available dates:

Course dates Location Course length
22 April - 25 June 2025 Online 8 weeks