You can start this module at any time. You will develop and apply principled procedures for investigating a specific area of language education and demonstrate expertise in different aspects of your investigation. You will work independently on your investigation project, which will make an original contribution to language education research.

This module carries 60 credits

Is this course for you?

Location: Distance learning
Experience: Degree. Language teaching experience
Language Level: B2/C1 or higher
Course dates: Continuous enrolment
Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or MA awarded by University of Chichester
Course Length: 12 weeks for proposal, up to 60 weeks for completion
Course fees: £2420
Minimum age: 18
Specialist ELT Library
Complementary eLearning platform

Course content

Conducting a literature review on the chosen topic
Framing of a proposal with a research question
Selecting and justifying your research methodology
Designing and using data collection tools
Collating and analysing data and reaching valid conclusions on your findings
The theories and procedures of research which are potentially applicable to language education
How to develop and apply principled procedures and methodologies for researching your chosen aspect of language education
How to present, analyse and interpret the findings of your investigation projects critically and clearly
How to make an original contribution to the field of language education research and/or materials development

The specific focus of this module will be determined on an individualised basis in negotiation between you and your dissertation supervisor

Further Information

This module will extend your understanding and critical awareness of:

  • Your own teaching practice with reference to current research, trends and views on language, language teaching methodology, language learning
  • Recent trends in language teaching methodology and their antecedents in the history of language teaching
  • The main factors which influence success and failure in language learning and the implications of these factors for teaching
  • How to gain a clear, practical view of language for teaching purposes
  • How to write language awareness materials for your own learners
  • How to conduct small-scale investigations into classroom practices, learners and their learning
  • How to reflect constructively on your own practice

MA Module Leader

Martyn Clarke

Martyn has worked in ELT over 30 years in the UK, Europe, Central America and Africa. He has taught English at all levels and in many contexts, from one-to-one in financial institutions to rural schools with classes of 80 students.

His management experience includes three years as Director of Operations for a group of language schools in the UK and Ireland. In this role he oversaw the project management of professional development systems, as well as a syllabus review and reform project.

Available dates:

Course dates Location Course length
Continuous enrolment Online 3 weeks