Looking to give your teachers a CPD boost?

NILE is delighted to be able to offer organisations live online workshops run by experienced NILE Consultant Trainers who specialise in the topics below.

Workshops can last from 60 to 180 minutes and be scheduled at a time that suits your organisation. You can choose one workshop or we can help you put together a series of workshops to suit your group's needs.
Please contact the NILE Registrar (registrar@nile-elt.com) for more details.



Activities for pre-primary/ primary/secondary

Arts and crafts in pre-primary. Why and how? (pre-primary)
Fingerplays and other little rhymes (pre-primary)
Incorporating phonics for pre- and early literacy skills development (pre-primary)
Meaningful art and crafts in English lessons (primary, secondary)
Origami in English lessons (primary, secondary)
Paper stories: storytelling using paper and folding (primary, secondary)

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Using GenAI to create teaching materials (secondary, adults)
Helping learners to develop language skills with GenAI (secondary, adult)

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Adapting materials to your CLIL lessons (primary)
CLIL: past, present and future (primary, secondary)
CLIL and competences. A happy marriage (primary, secondary, adults)
Developing speaking skills in CLIL (secondary, adults)
Picturebooks: storytelling & CLIL in English language primary classrooms (primary, pre-primary)
Rethinking multilingualism and the use of L1 in EMI (secondary and adult teachers working in CLIL and EMI contexts)

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Learner competences: why you need to know about them (primary, secondary, adults)
Situational competences in language learning (upper primary, secondary, adults)
Social emotional competencies for the classroom (primary, secondary, adults, teachers)
Supporting and developing life competencies in the early years language classroom (pre-primary)

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Drama for language teaching: bring stories to life (primary, secondary)
Drama for language teaching: bring pictures to life (primary, secondary)
Drama across the curriculum (primary, secondary)
Making the most of monologues: tell your own story (upper primary, secondary)
Transformation through improvisation: develop social skills and confidence while practising the language (upper primary, secondary)

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A trauma-informed practice: advice on supporting students who have experienced trauma, considering how trauma can impact on the ability to learn (adults, secondary)
Accessibility in teaching and learning (primary, secondary, adults)
Adapting activities to suit different levels and needs (secondary, adults)
Adapting materials to needs (primary and secondary)
An overview of supporting learners with ADHD (primary, secondary, adults)
An overview of supporting learners with autism (primary, secondary, adults)
An overview of supporting learners with dyslexia (primary, secondary, adults)
Bridging the gap: practical ideas for differentiation in the classroom (primary, secondary)
Differentiating teaching and learning to help learners reach their potential (primary, secondary)
Differentiation, stretch and challenge in the English language classroom (adults, secondary)
Inclusion and diversity: spotting our biases and making sure we create inclusive materials (primary, secondary, adults)
Mixed-ability classrooms (primary)
The gift and challenge of including dyslexic students in your classroom: find a new perspective on dyslexia to include these gifted, creative learners in your mainstream ELT classroom (primary, secondary)
Unravelling storytelling & creative reading to foster inclusive English language classrooms (primary, pre-primary)
Using the flipped classroom approach to make your classroom more inclusive (primary, secondary)
Young Learners and multisensory learning: a holistic experience (primary, pre-primary)

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Language for specific purposes (teachers of adults)

Building the foundations: the importance of needs analysis in professional English
Contextual learning: language as a communicative element in specific purpose English
Developing your own skills: understanding your learners’ technical language in ESP

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Learner autonomy

Developing learner autonomy with your learners (primary, secondary, adults)
Developing learner autonomy (primary)
Developing reflective learners (secondary, adults)

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Literature in the language classroom

An invitation to the wedding of ELT drama and literature: put them together and empower both teachers and students (upper primary, secondary)
Literature for inclusion: promoting learners anti-bias attitudes (primary, secondary)
Literature in action: promoting collaborative learning (primary, secondary)
Poetry in English: a creative writing experience for learners (primary, secondary)
Shakespeare: accessible and interactive drama techniques (primary, secondary)
Teaching literature: using poems in the language classroom (secondary, adults)
Teaching literature: using short stories in the language classroom (secondary, adults)

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Materials design/evaluation

Evaluating materials for your context (adults)
Using authentic materials to promote active learning (adults, secondary)
Using GenAI to create teaching materials (secondary, adults)

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Peer observation and reflection

Developing teacher reflection in your classroom (primary, secondary, adults)
Peer observation: learning from each other (for teacher development)

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Productive skills

Breaking the silence: 10 ways to empower students to express themselves (primary)
Confidence in speaking (secondary, adults)
Developing writing skills through creative writing activities (secondary, adults)
Helping learners to achieve speaking success (secondary, adults)
Research-based approaches to teaching speaking (adults)
Research-based approaches to teaching writing (adults)

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Receptive skills

Listening skills: training not testing (secondary, adults)
Research-based approaches to teaching listening (adults)
Research-based approaches to teaching reading (adults)
Revisiting receptive skills (secondary, adults)
The elephant in the room: developing learners’ listening skills (secondary, adults)
The Value of DARTs: how exactly Directed Activities Related to Texts help learners learn (primary, secondary, adults)

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Misconceptions about STEAM in language classrooms (pre-primary, primary)
STEAMing ahead in Project-Based Learning (pre-primary, primary)

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Teacher development/Management

Developing your teaching team with evidence-based observations (for teacher trainers of teachers of adults)
Wellbeing for English language teachers (primary, secondary, adults)

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Teacher questions

Effective questioning in the language classroom (secondary, adults)
If you ask me: the art and craft of asking effective questions (primary, secondary, adults)

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Teaching approaches, SLA and (Action) research

Beyond the communicative approach (for teacher development)
Developing an action research approach to your teaching (primary, secondary, adults)
ELT methodologies: a practical overview of the research (primary, secondary, adults)
Second Language Acquisition: a bitesized overview of theories you can apply directly to your classroom (primary, secondary, adults)
Strategies, techniques and ideas for using an active learning approach (pre-primary, primary, secondary)

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Teaching language/Language awareness

Developing vocabulary through idiom and metaphor (secondary, adults)
Effective vocabulary teaching (secondary, adults)
Learning or acquiring vocabulary? A blended approach is the question (secondary, adults)
Teaching chunks and collocations (secondary, adults)
Discourse analysis activities for higher levels (secondary, adults)
Effective grammar teaching (secondary, adults)
Getting creative with grammar: Making grammar teaching enjoyable and memorable (late primary, secondary, adults)
Integrating pronunciation into your teaching (primary, secondary, adults)
Pronunciation for listening (secondary, adults)
Tips and hints for more natural sounding pronunciation: a new take on teaching pronunciation (upper primary, secondary)
Keeping up with language change: contemporary English (secondary, adults)

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Testing and assessment; Feedback

Assessment for learning in the primary classroom
Assessment literacy 2.0: time to update the future now (secondary, adults)
Formative assessment principles and practice (primary, secondary, adults)
Giving effective feedback to learners (secondary, adult)
Land ahoy: feedback to move learning forward (secondary)
Sharing the construct: a model for learning and testing (secondary, adults)
Testing and assessment literacy: keeping it simple and relevant (secondary, adults)
The power of formative assessment (adults)

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Wellbeing, SEL, engagement and motivation

Engage me or enrage me! How have students’ expectations changed and what can we do about it? (primary, secondary)
Enhancing intrinsic motivation in learning (primary, secondary, adults)
Kickstart a positive school year with young learners! (pre-primary, primary)
Managing exams and stress in the teenage classroom (secondary)
Spice up your teaching: is fun enough to motivate your students? (primary)
Teaching teens: what the heck is going on in their brain and how to engage them (secondary)
The positive classroom (pre-primary, primary)
Think like Leonardo Da Vinci and teach your students too! Bring creativity into ALL your lessons (primary, secondary)

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21st century skills

Critical thinking
Making critical thinking happen (secondary)
More than meets the eye: thinking routines to go beyond See-Think-Wonder (primary, secondary, adults)
C FOR CREATIVITY! A creative toolkit for English teaching (pre-primary, primary, secondary)
Intercultural awareness
Intercultural learning: an ‘add on,’ or an integral part of language learning? (secondary, adults)
Mirrors and windows: raising intercultural awareness in the young learner classroom (pre-primary, primary)

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Other topics

Activating literacy skills for young learners (primary)
Approaches to teaching ESL learners in mainstream settings (primary, secondary)
Helping learners to develop language skills with GenAI (secondary, adult)
Navigating the classroom: essential principles and practical tricks for effective classroom management (primary, secondary)
One bright idea for each step of your lesson (pre-primary)
Resourcing your difficult classrooms with imagination: tap into every learner’s real or imagined mind’s eye and find a wealth of resources for ELT (primary, secondary)
Using languages to learn, and learning to use languages (primary, secondary, adults)
Working with large classes (primary, secondary)
Would you like your students to learn language? Then stop teaching it (primary, secondary, adults)

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